In your work as a professional advisor, you value professionalism, integrity and honesty, taking the utmost care when serving your clients. As a nonprofit organization, we share your values and take the same care when it comes to helping our donors plan charitable gifts to Caramoor Center for Music and the Arts. Please use these tools as you help your clients with their charitable plans, and feel free to contact for more information or assistance. Contact Tracy Tajbl at 914.232.3681 or for more information or assistance. Or reach out to us via our contact us page.
Tools for Professional Advisors
Legal name: Caramoor Center for Music and the Arts, Inc.
Federal tax ID number: 13-5643627
Located in: 149 Girdle Ridge Road, Katonah, NY 10536
See the Benefits Today
Provide your clients with a free, no-obligation illustration of their gifts to Caramoor with our Gift Illustrator tool. Instantly calculate deductions, tax savings and other benefits for multiple gift types.
Make a Gift to Caramoor in Your Will
If your clients are interested in supporting Caramoor with a gift in their wills, we have provided sample bequest language that they can bring to their estate planning attorneys.
Partner With Us
We understand that gifts to charities such as Caramoor can be an important part of your clients’ overall financial and estate plans. That’s why we’re committed to working with you to ensure that your clients find the charitable arrangements that best meet their needs. We believe that charitable planning is a process that ideally involves the donor, professional advisors and our gift planning staff—all working together to arrange the best gift possible.
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Information contained herein was accurate at the time of posting. The information on this website is not intended as legal or tax advice. For such advice, please consult an attorney or tax advisor. Figures cited in any examples are for illustrative purposes only. References to tax rates include federal taxes only and are subject to change. State law may further impact your individual results. California residents: Annuities are subject to regulation by the State of California. Payments under such agreements, however, are not protected or otherwise guaranteed by any government agency or the California Life and Health Insurance Guarantee Association. Oklahoma residents: A charitable gift annuity is not regulated by the Oklahoma Insurance Department and is not protected by a guaranty association affiliated with the Oklahoma Insurance Department. South Dakota residents: Charitable gift annuities are not regulated by and are not under the jurisdiction of the South Dakota Division of Insurance. A copy of our most recently filed financial report is available from the Charities Registry on the New York State Attorney General’s website ( or, upon request, by contacting the New York State Attorney General, Charities Bureau, 28 Liberty Street, New York, NY 10005, or us at 149 Girdle Ridge Road, Katonah, NY 10536. You also may obtain information on charitable organizations from the New York State Office of the Attorney General at or (212) 416-8401.